Sunday, September 1, 2024


Beepin' and boopin'

 - U


Saturday, August 31, 2024

Birdies galore


82 at Hiddenbrooke.

Man, those greens were quick.
Also, might have been a good idea to go to the practice range first with the Tensei White back in the driver.

Only took the first 9 to figure out what I needed to do differently.
Took full advantage after that to BIRDIE ALL 3 PAR 5s ON THE BACK 9.
Should I expect this to happen every time now? Yes, I think so.

 - U

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Oasis at Chalco Hills


Thanks WB0RLJ.

 - U

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Almost breaking 80


80 at Blue Rock Springs West. 

Smart golf = boring golf.
Consistent across the board. The slight change with my right hand grip seems to be working.

Psyched myself out on 17 and 18, and made 2 dumb decisions trying to force the score :facepalm:
Didn't get any breaks going my way which somehow makes this almost-broke-80 feel better? :shrug:

 - U

Saturday, July 20, 2024

DX Hunting


Big chungus throwing its weight around

 - U

Across the pond

 Got some help from auroras

 - U

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The other side

Big chungus making this look easy

 - U

Saturday, July 13, 2024


Big chungus
 Strain relief for the big chungus
Strain relief for the heckin' long wire
Pulleys for the heckin' long wire
Old vs new - Cousteau for scale

 - U

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

UA -> CA

My goodness ...

 - U

Sunday, July 7, 2024

13 Colonies


Rhode Island remained elusive

 - U

Friday, June 28, 2024

Arizona Agave


POTA hunting with beeps and boops is fun

 - U

Sunday, June 23, 2024

ARRL Field Day 2024

1D EB - IC7300 @ 100W; 50' EFRW 9:1 inv V @ 20'; SP4 N0SA dual paddle

20 CW, 11 SSB, 51 QSO points, 2x LP multiplier

Yep, all day :)

Hit my mental fatigue cliff after 90min of CW QSOs - pretty happy I got this far on my first attempt.

Another thing to get hooked on.

 - U

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

POTA US-1176 Mt Diablo State Park CA

 Attempt #1 was a success!

IC7300 @ 100W; 50' EFRW 9:1 inv V @ 20'; SP4 N0SA dual paddle
20m CW, 12 QSOs - GA, AZ, CO, WA, FL, AK, TX, BC, AR

I see how this gets addicting.

 - U

Saturday, June 1, 2024


Practically a pro

 - U